En Residencia

En Residencia reimagines the Koubek Center as an art incubator, a setting for discovery, growth, and artistic adventure for creators, arts organizations, and the community. En Residencia is a membership-based program that offers local artists the opportunity to use our classroom and rehearsal studio for a pre-determined period of time throughout the entire year to create work in exchange for, on a case-to-case basis, participation in one of Koubek Center’s programs and/or activities.
The goal of the program is to nurture the cultural ecosystem of Miami by engaging local artists, regardless the discipline in which they might be working or the stage in which they are in their careers, while facilitating the dialogue between creators and the local community.
En Residencia program has a total of (4) classroom spaces and (1) large studio space.
Membership to En Residencia is valid for one year and artists can access the spaces for blocks of 2 months per project, with a maximum of 2 projects per year. Flexibility in terms of length of individual residencies will be considered on a case-to-case basis.
Cost of membership is $200 for the entire year.
Deadline to apply is April 30, 2024
What does En Residencia offers?
- Based on availability, members of En Residencia will be granted access to classrooms and limited studio space that range from of approx. 400 -750 square feet, available Monday – Friday, from 9:00am to 8:00pm.
- Spaces are available for the development of individual work, rehearsals, productions and planning meetings, and/or organization meetings.
- The Koubek Center will not retain any intellectual property rights to any work created during the En Residencia membership. Intellectual Property of any work created will remain the property of the En Residencia Artist.
- Free parking.
- Access to an expanded network of artists from a variety of disciplines.
- En Residencia Artists will be featured in Koubek Center social media and newsletter mentions.
- On a case-by-case basis, En Residencia Artists may be granted access to performing spaces to share their work with the community.
- Opportunity to engage with other local artists, the little Havana community, as well as participate in studio visits, private exhibitions, public programs, and community outreach events.
What do we ask from the artist?
- En Residencia Artists are expected to utilize their time in the Program both, honing their craft and connecting with the community. They must be respectful of the work and property of fellow En Residencia Artists, our neighbors, and the furnishings and common spaces of our common home, the Koubek Center.
- Please note that En Residencia is a program for the development and creation of artistic work and NOT a space open to the public for performance and/or commercial opportunities.
- Sign an MOU at the time of acceptance to the En Residencia program, agreeing to Koubek Center’s terms and conditions of the days and times spaces will be used. Failure to use the spaces on days and times mutually agreed upon by both parties may cause the immediate cancellation of the residency and any future ones.
- Be responsible for any and all individuals that are part of their En Residencia entourage.
- On a case-by-case basis, participate in a Koubek Center presents activity as an invited guest at no cost to the Koubek Center with either a performance and/or workshop/lecture to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.
- Credit the Koubek Center and the En Residencia program in all communication and marketing materials distributed by Artists related to the work being developed. Suggested copy – [Name of project] developed during Koubek Center’s En Residencia Artist Residency Program 2021]
- Allow the Koubek Center to share in printed, digital and video formats the work being developed during En Residencia through all of Koubek Center’s digital outlets (social media, YouTube and website).
- Submit a progress and final report to the Koubek Center on the work achieved during En Residencia once the Residency is over.
- The cost to fix any damage caused by the Artist during En Residencia will be the sole responsibility of the Artist to cover.
- All disciplines accepted.
Length of Residency
- Membership to En Residencia is valid for one year and artists can access the spaces for blocks of 2 months per project, with a maximum of 2 projects per year.
Eligibility and Requirements
- Artists from all disciplines will be considered.
- Artists at any stage in their careers will be considered.
- The Koubek Center will put out a Call for Submissions to accept applications from Artists
- Artists are responsible for the cost of shipping supplies or artwork to and from the site. NOTE – you must consult with Koubek Center staff before shipping large supplies/pieces to ensure that space for storing is available.
Please apply only if you are a practicing Artist who:
- Is in need of space and time to develop their practice and is committed to actively participate in Koubek Center programs.
- Will commit to working in their studio on the days and times mutually agreed upon by both parties.
- Will commit to participating in exhibitions, public programming, studio visits, and our community outreach initiatives on a case-by-case basis.
Deadline to apply is April 30, 2024