El día que cambio la vida del Sr. Odio
February 26, 2022@ 3:00 pm
An event every day that begins at 3:00 pm, repeating until February 27, 2022
Una obra infantil sobre Sr Odio, un personaje solitario, huraño y de muy mal carácter que, muy temprano en la mañana, se entera de que al apartamento que está justo al lado del suyo se mudará una nueva vecina. Esto lo altera tanto que decide oponerse a esa mudanza. Lo que no sabe es que la nueva vecina es la Sra Amor, un personaje completamente opuesto a él, lo cual lo empeora todo. Así, el Sr. Odio emprende un plan para atacar a su nueva vecina e impedir que se instale en ese apartamento. Lo que nuestro odioso personaje no sabe, es que todo lo que intentará hacer en contra de su vecina, retornará a él para cambiar su vida.
A children’s play about Mr. Hatred, a lonely and sullen character with a very bad temper who, very early in the morning, finds out that a new neighbor is about to move next door. This upsets him so much that he decides to do everything in his power to prevent this from happening. What he does not know is that the new neighbor is actually Mrs. Love, who is completely opposite from him, making the situation even worse for Mr. Hatred. What our hateful protagonist did not know is that everything he intended to do against his neighbor ended up changing his life. The duality between LOVE and HATE is the main theme in his original production, demonstrating that goals that are driven by